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Online Pre-Registration is Closed.

Online pre-registration has ended but race-day registration IS AVAILABLE at Independence Grove beginning at 7:00 AM on Sunday! You can also register and pickup your packet at our Packet Pickup location on Saturday, Sept 16 from 12-5pm.

For more information, please visit, email or call (847) 525-1002.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

5K Race Start: 8:00 AM
Memorial Walk: 9:00 AM
Awards & Post-Race Party: 10:00 AM
Closing Memorial Ceremony: 10:30 AM

USATF Certified & Timed Course: click for map!

CARA Certified Race

5K Awards:
Overall Male Finisher
Overall Female Finisher
1st, 2nd, 3rd Place in each age division.

Pre-Race Packet Pickup:
Saturday, September 16, 2017 from 12pm - 5pm
at The Runner's Edge - Libertyville
524 N Milwaukee Ave, Libertyville, IL 60048 - (847) 549-1108

Don't forget to register as a team!

Create or join a team! Prizes will be awarded for the largest team and the top three individuals who raise the most on their fundraising page.

Join us on September 17th and enjoy:

  • Free Vienna Beef Hot Dogs and other snacks
  • Post-race party featuring a live DJ, kids activities, and appearances by Chicago Wolves mascot Skates as well as the Chicago Highlander Bagpipers
  • Complimentary yoga sessions led by a professional instructor
  • Gatorade to fuel your run/walk
  • Special entertainment & appearances by Bach to Rock and 97.1 FM The Drive!
  • The chance to win a cash prize and dozens of raffle & auction items, including music lessons from School of Rock, salon services from Sam Martirano's Salon & Spa, dance lessons from The Ballroom Center, restaurant gift cards, and much more!

Location Information

  • Independence Grove Forest Preserve
  • 16400 Buckley Rd, Libertyville, IL, 60048 US

Online Pre-Registration is Closed.

Online pre-registration has ended but race-day registration IS AVAILABLE at Independence Grove beginning at 7:00 AM on Sunday! You can also register and pickup your packet at our Packet Pickup location on Saturday, Sept 16 from 12-5pm.

For more information, please visit, email or call (847) 525-1002.

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